It takes some time before you spot them, but after the first look you are amazed by the special color of this animal. They are bright green with red accents and have large eyes that watch you perfectly. The madagascar day gecko is a lizard that belongs to the geckos. The animal is also often called "Madagascar giant day gecko," due to its considerable size in the adult life stage. They are great climbers who are excellent at moving around even on smooth surfaces. So you may find the gecko sitting on the window of its terrarium if you can't find it!
General information madagascar day gecko
Scientific name: Phelsuma grandis
The madagascar day gecko - as its name suggests - is native to Madagascar and some surrounding islands. The species moves there in tropical and subtropical forests. The gecko can also be found in human-adapted areas, such as gardens and plantations. You will find them in trees, on branches as well as on the ground. So don't be surprised if during your vacation in Madagascar you are suddenly stared at by a bright green lizard! The animals are very shy in the wild, but can become very tame in captivity. The gecko eats mostly small insects, in addition to a decent portion of healthy fruits!
More about the Madagascar day gecko