These nervously swaying back and forth walking leaves can only be seen after a good dose of searching! Researcher Paco was therefore only just able to save the animals from a blaze in time.... Originally from Australia, the Giant prickly stick insects are masters of camouflage. They even imitate the posture of a poisonous scorpion to deter enemies.
General information Giant prickly stick insect
Scientific name: Extatosoma tiaratum
The Giant prickly stick insect, as its name suggests, is native to Australia. You will find the species there mainly in the forests of Queensland and on the West Coast. In terms of appearance, they are unusual animals. Many times they are described as "barren leaves," and if you look at them up close you will see that the entire body is covered under sharp spines. These spines serve primarily as a deterrent, combined with the imitated scorpion pose. Doesn't it deter the enemy? Then they use the spines to defend themselves, where the Giant prickly stick insect can stab them into the enemy like sharp barbs. The animals grow between 15 and 30cm in size and weigh only a few grams.
More about the Giant prickly insect